2024 Grants

Backyard Basecamp    $110,000

To support the salary of the Executive Director for this organization focused on connecting BIPOC communities with nature.

Baltimore Green Space    $40,000

To support the preservation of local green spaces in minority and low-resourced Baltimore City communities.

Baltimore Banner    $100,000

To support the hiring of an Environmental Journalist for this local news organization.

Bridges Baltimore    $320,000

To support the hiring of an Operational Support Role to build capacity for this educational organization.

Civic Works    $35,000

To fund a Program Coordinator to support the Community Landscaping Program.

Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County    $50,000

To support the Lancaster Clean Water Partners in building capacity with municipalities to implement innovative stormwater policies and practices.

Delaware Highlands Conservancy     $120,000

To support a full-time Donor Relations Coordinator.

Maryland Philanthropy Network on behalf of Climate Partners     $30,000

To support this coalition to advocate for effective and just implementation of Maryland’s Climate Solutions Now Act.

Farm Alliance of Baltimore     $35,000

To support farming and education at the Black Butterfly Teaching Farm.

Intersection of Change     $35,000

To support urban farming and youth education at the Strength to Love Farm.

Rails to Trails Conservancy     $30,000

To complete the preliminary design of a multi-use trail through Chinquapin Run Park in Northeast Baltimore City.

ShoreRivers     $50,000

To provide general operating support for this restoration, education, and advocacy watershed organization on the Eastern Shore.

The Commons     $50,000

To provide general operating support for digital infrastructure for the environmental movement.

The 6th Branch     $35,000

To support the salary of the community Farming Program Manager for three urban farms.

2023 Grants

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay    $50,000

To support the Corporate Sustainability Initiative in Lancaster County, PA, which helps farmers implement best management practices to reduce pollution.

Baltimore Green Space    $40,000

To preserve urban green spaces and assist local organizations to manage and maintain the spaces.

Blue Water Baltimore    $150,000

To support advocacy, enforcement, and general operations for water protection.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Mercer County    $50,000

To support STEM education in out-of-school settings for Trenton-area elementary school students.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation    $25,000

To plant trees in the Poconos region of Pennsylvania.

Chesapeake Legal Alliance    $55,000

To provide general operating support for pro bono legal representation of environmental organizations.

Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County     $50,000

To help local organizations compete for and manage large environmental restoration projects in Lancaster County.

Environmental Integrity Project    $70,000

To support pollution reduction enforcement work in south Baltimore in conjunction with Chesapeake Climate Action Network.

Farm Alliance of Baltimore     $35,000

To operate a demonstration farm and train new urban farmers.

Greener Partners     $30,000

To increase access to healthy produce and provide nutrition education in Norristown, PA.

Intersection of Change     $50,000

To operate the Strength to Love II Farm in Baltimore City and its workforce development programs.

Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund     $160,000

To support implementation of a variety of clean energy solutions and to help small organizations representing underserved and overburdened communities engage in climate work.

Outdoor Equity Alliance     $50,000

To support the hiring of the organization’s first permanent Executive Director.

Parks and People Foundation     $75,000

To support staffing to work on eight park creations and/or improvement projects in Baltimore City.

PennFuture     $175,000

To support legal work protecting high quality and exceptional value streams and supporting more sustainable development in the region.

Pocono Heritage Land Trust     $60,000

To support the position of Land Protection Coordinator and increase the amount of land brought into protected status.

Sustainable Woodstock $90,000 over three years

To build capacity to work with residents to increase sustainability practices in and around Woodstock, Vermont.


The 6th Branch     $55,000

To support the salary of the community farming program manager for three urban farms in Baltimore City.


The Commons     $55,000

To provide general operating support to this organization that develops and deploys software to help environmental organizations gather and use data for planning, implementation, advocacy, and enforcement; also to support strategic planning.

The Watershed Institute     $110,000

To support the bilingual Community Water Advocate position, which provides education and technical support on stormwater to six communities.

2022 Grants

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay    $50,000

To work with farmers to implement best management practices on farmland in Lancaster Co, PA.

Backyard Basecamp     $150,000

To support Executive Director salary at this urban educational farm and woods in Northeast Baltimore City.

Baltimore Green Space     $30,000

To help disadvantaged communities in Baltimore City preserve and sustain local community gardens.

Bay Journal Media, Inc.     $30,000

To support a fellowship position for an early career reporter focused on climate change and environmental justice.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Mercer County     $50,000

To support STEM education and activities for elementary students in Mercer Co, NJ.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation (Maryland)    $150,000

To support litigation aimed to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay.


Chesapeake Bay Foundation (Pennsylvania)     $25,000

To support tree planting in the Poconos region.


Chesapeake Commons     $50,000

To provide general operating support to this organization that develops and deploys software to help environmental organizations gather and use data for planning, implementation, advocacy, and enforcement.


Chesapeake Legal Alliance     $55,000

To support general operations to provide legal representation to environmental organizations through in-house attorneys and a network of volunteer attorneys.

Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County     $40,000

To create Green Master Plans at 3 Senior Living Facilities in Lancaster County.


Delaware Highlands Conservancy    $80,000

To increase fundraising capacity for land protection by adding a Donor Relations position.


D & R Greenway Land Trust     $15,000

To implement an ecological and trail plan at the new Point Breeze property in Bordentown, NJ.


Environmental Integrity Project     $70,000

To address rules and permits for methane emissions from landfills, and to address a range of environmental issues in South Baltimore.

Greener Partners     $30,000

To expand healthy food programming, access, and education in Norristown, PA.

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake     $100,000 over two years

To support the Faithful Green Leaders Training program, engaging congregations in environmental activities and activism.

Intersection of Change     $50,000

To support production and distribution of produce and workforce development at Strength to Love Farm in the Sandtown Winchester neighborhood of Baltimore City.


Lancaster Farmland Trust     $50,000

To expand the farmer assistance program that helps farmers implement agricultural best management practices on their farms.


Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund     $75,000

To support just and equitable implementation of the Climate Solutions Now Act.

Parks and People Foundation     $75,000

To support the development and improvement of 13 community parks in Baltimore City.

ShoreRivers    $225,000

To provide general operating support and funding for advocacy and enforcement in order to protect the rivers of the mid and upper Eastern Shore of Maryland.


The Nature Conservancy     $50,000

To preserve 1,088 acres of high conservation value land in Pike County, PA for inclusion in State Game Lands.

The 6th Branch     $50,000

To support the position of Community Farming Program Manager for the Oliver and Johnston Square farms in Baltimore City.

2021 Grants

Backyard Basecamp $50,000

To support a Farm Manager and Community Herbalist

Blue Water Baltimore $300,000 over 2 years

To support advocacy and enforcement for water protection and for general operations

Boys and Girls Clubs of Mercer County $50,000

To support STEM education and activities for elementary school students

Center for Progressive Reform $40,000

To support the Chesapeake Bay Legal Enforcement Network

Chesapeake Legal Alliance $55,000

To support general operations to provide legal representation to environmental organizations through in-house attorneys and a network of volunteer attorneys

The Commons $50,000

To support general operations to help environmental organizations access, organize, and share data to increase action for environmental improvement

Environmental Integrity Project $70,000

To reduce methane pollution from landfills across Maryland and to mitigate impacts of sewage backups for Baltimore City residents

Farm Alliance of Baltimore $25,000

To create an incubator farm in Baltimore City which will be used to train new urban farmers

Greener Partners $30,000

To support healthy food access and education in Norristown schools

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake $49,877

To scale up the Faithful Green Leaders training program, engaging congregations in environmental action

Intersection of Change/Strength to Love II Farm $25,000

To support production and distribution of produce and workforce development in southwest Baltimore City

Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $50,000

To support advocacy for policies to address climate change

Natural Resources Defense Council $50,000

To support implementation of NRDC's Climate Action Plan

Parks and People Foundation $75,000

To support development and improvement of parks in Baltimore City

PennFuture $28,000

To support the Our Pocono Waters Campaign to protect streams in the region

Pocono Heritage Land Trust $60,000 over 2 years

To support the addition of a Land Protection Coordinator and build land protection capacity

The Watershed Institute $50,000

To expand the capacity of the Municipal Policy Team by adding a new policy staff member to address polluted stormwater runoff

2019-2020 Grants

Backyard Basecamp     $20,000

To support a groundskeeper for BLISS Meadows


Baltimore Tree Trust     $60,000 over 2 years

To support the Urban Roots Apprentice Program, which engages individuals in a skill-building and employment program in tree care


Bay Journal    $20,000

To support reporting on urban environmental issues


Blue Water Baltimore      $300,000 over 2 years

To support advocacy and enforcement for water protection and for general operations


Center for Progressive Reform    $50,000

To support the Legal Enforcement Network in Maryland, which brings advocates together for joint action on water protection

Chesapeake Climate Action Network ($70,000 over 2 years)

To support citizen engagement and advocacy on air and water issues

Chesapeake Bay Foundation     $150,000 over 2 years

To support the Litigation Program for the protection of water


Chesapeake Commons     $50,000

To support general operations and scaling to national operations


Chesapeake Legal Alliance       $55,000

To support general operations of this organization which provides legal representation to environmental organizations through in-house attorneys and a network of volunteer attorneys


Eastern Shore Land Conservancy     $78,980

To support climate change adaptation and resilience work on the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Environmental Integrity Project $140,000 (over 2 years)

To support enforcement and advocacy on air and water issues


Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake     $76,770 over 2 years

To support development and training of Green Teams in congregations throughout Maryland


National Wildlife Federation      $35,000

To support the Choose Clean Water Coalition


Natural Resources Defense Council     $100,000

To support litigation against destructive environmental laws and policies


Parks and People Foundation     $75,000

To support development and improvement of public parks in Baltimore City


ShoreRivers     $300,000 over 2 years

To support advocacy and enforcement and general operations


Union of Concerned Scientists     $100,000

To support work on climate, energy, and transportation policy and to support the defense of science at a national level


Waterkeepers Chesapeake     $20,000

To support advocacy on Conowingo Dam relicensing