Interested in Working With Us?

Application Procedures

Step One: Letter of Inquiry

Letters of inquiry are accepted throughout the year. They should be no more than three pages in length and should include the following information:

  • Project name

  • Name of a primary contact person with address, phone number, and e-mail

  • A statement of the need for the project

  • A brief description of the project's goals and design, a timeframe for completion, and other partners, if applicable

  • The amount of funding requested and the amount of the project budget, if applicable

  • A brief description of the organization including mission, budget size, sources of income, other programs, and clients served

Please send letters of inquiry or questions to: 

David Rauch, Associate Executive Director

All requests for funding are carefully reviewed to determine if they fall within the Foundation's areas of interest and program guidelines. If the project qualifies for consideration, Foundation program staff will request additional information, a site visit, or full proposal. 


Step Two: Proposal

If a full proposal is requested, each proposal must include the following materials:

  • A project narative describing the proposed intiative in detail, including background information on the organization

  • A project budget with amount requested from the Kentfields Foundation and other planned sources of revenue

  • Organizational budget, including expenses and all sources of public and private revenues.

  • A list of the organization’s top five funders, with amounts

  • Background information about the applicant organization and the qualifications of the project's key personnel

  • A copy of the organization's tax exemption letter from the IRS

  • A copy of the organization's most recent audited financial statements

  • A list of the organization's board members and their professional affiliations

  • A copy of the organization's most recent annual report and any other relevant communications materials, if available

Proposals are submitted electronically through the foundation’s portal.  Invited organizations will be sent log-in information.

The Foundation board meets twice a year, in spring and fall.